Melayani dengan hati

Universitas Kristen Petra

About Us


Bureau of Human Resources and Administration (BAUK) functions to carry out personnel administration and university administration affairs. BAUK consists of 2 sections:

1. Human Resources Section has the following functions:

a. Employee Recruitment: The administrative process starting from staff adequacy planning, vacancy announcements, and the selection process for new employees, including both lecturers and educational personnel.

b. Employee Placement: The administrative process of placing employees in specific positions and transferring employees among work units (mutations/rotations).

c. Employee Performance Assessment: The administrative process of evaluating employees, both routinely through DP3 (Work Performance Appraisal) and official exams for promotion and other personnel policies.

d. Training and Development: The implementation of employee training and development activities, including administration of training data conducted by work units.

e. Payroll Management: The administration of payroll administration, including data collection on employee activities, updating personnel biodata, salary calculation (salary/allowances, back payment, salary-13, Christmas bonuses, performance-based awards/BSC, and other routine honorariums), and data transfer for payment to the BAK (Finance Administration Bureau), for both permanent and non-permanent employees (non-permanent lecturers/assistant lecturers and part-time staff).

f. Benefits and Welfare: Services encompassing membership and welfare benefits, such as leave, employee uniforms, Health Fund, BPJS Health, BPJS Employment, pension programs, and loans (housing, vehicles, and welfare).

g. Promotions: Administrative services for the promotion process, including appointments to structural positions, promotions, and periodic length of service.

h. Termination of Employment: Administrative services related to retiring employees (both regular and early retirement), resignations, death, sick leave, and other legal matters. 

2. University Administration Affairs Section has the following functions:

a. Further Studies: Administrative services for further study, from nominating candidates for study assignments, budget planning, proposing candidates for study assignments to YPTK Petra, preparing agreements, budget realization, activation, and calculation of employment bonds.

b. Academic Functional Office Affairs (KUM): Administrative services for proposing academic positions for lecturers, from the initial stage until submission to LLDIKTI Region VII.

c. In-passing Rank Affairs: Administrative services for proposing in-passing ranks and rank equivalencies for lecturers to LLDIKTI Region VII.

d. BAUK and University Secretariat: Services for issuing certificates, incoming and outgoing correspondence for BAUK and the University, archiving hardcopy and softcopy documents, expedition services, and flower ordering services.

e. Legal Affairs: Services for issuing assignments and decrees, including responsibility for compliance according to performance indicators and employee guidelines, to prevent non-compliance behavior throughout the campus.